UB and Nigeria Partner to Further Nanomedicine Research

The Institute for Lasers, Photonics, and Biophotonics (ILPB) at the University at Buffalo, United States, last week signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Universities Commission (NUC) of Abuja, Nigeria, calling for the development of an international joint research center for nanomedicine at Nigerian universities. Paras N. Prasad, a Distinguished Professor of chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, and medicine at the University of Buffalo, said “[O]ur research is in the area that involves nanotechnology with photonics. The two major application areas are alternate energy and health care. We are applying this merge of photonics, of light wave energy, for application in the area of medicine called nanomedicine. The other, alternative energy, focuses primarily on solar energy harvesting.” The primary focus in Nigeria will be on nanomedicine, which could be applied to disease diagnosis, treatment and delivery. Folarin Erogbogbo, the group leader and research assistant professor in cancer nanotechnology under Prasad, said “[The joint research institution] would [incite] a lot of change in Nigeria… we’re bringing cutting edge technology to Nigeria. Sometimes they lack the resources to be able to further themselves. There will be an opportunity to learn things that they did not have an opportunity to learn as part of their program or curriculum there. It boosts the quality of their home institutions… when it comes to nanotechnology.” The article can be viewed online at the link below.
