Nanoparticles liberate flexible solar cells

A stumbling block for developing flexible solar cells has been the need for a smooth growth substrate to ensure high device efficiency. While glass is readily available, smooth and non-porous, it is also brittle, which makes the flexible properties of the other materials in the device redundant. Now researchers at the Institute of Photonic Sciences […]

Engineered quantum dots convert low-intensity IR light into visible light

Auger up-conversion processes can allow photovoltaic devices to harvest low-energy solar photons that are not normally absorbed. A team of researchers from the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico in the US has now demonstrated such a process in thick-shell lead selenide/cadmium selenide semiconducting quantum dots in which two low-energy, core-based excitons (electron-hole pairs) are […]

‘Butterfly’ magnetoresistance seen in nonmagnetic Dirac material

Researchers in the US and Germany have observed an unusual “butterfly”-shaped and extremely large angular magnetoresistance in the nonmagnetic Dirac material zirconium silicon sulphide (ZrSiS) that they can control using an applied magnetic field. The new findings could help in the development of “fermitronic” devices for high-speed electronics and optics……. Stuart Parkin

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