Researchers Develop Simple Method for Producing Fluorescent Carbon Quantum Dots from Sugarcane Bagasse

Indian researchers pioneer an alternate use for sugarcane waste. This schematic representation illustrates the process of turning bagasse into carbon quantum dots. (Credit: Elsevier) From Britain to Mexico, countries are considering sugar taxes to reduce consumption and curb the global obesity epidemic. In 2014, about 600 million people, roughly double the population of the United […]

Nanotechnology Advancement for Minimally Invasive Treatment of Liver Cancer

Kattesh Katti, Ph.D., Curators’ Professor of Radiology and Physics at the MU School of Medicine and lead author of the study. Credit: Justin Kelley, MU Health The American Cancer Society reports that every year, over 700,000 new liver cancer cases are diagnosed globally. Currently, the only way to cure liver cancer is to surgically remove […]

Semiconducting polymers could make good e-skin

Researchers at Stanford University in the US have developed new, stretchable and self-healing thin-film polymeric semiconductors. The materials, which contain dynamic intermolecular hydrogen bonds that can be easily broken and reformed, might be used to make advanced organic electronic films that mimic human skin….. An intrinsically stretchable and healable organic semiconductor

‘GrapheneQ’ makes first commercial loudspeaker

Researchers at ORA in Montreal, Canada, say they have developed the first consumer-ready loudspeaker from graphene oxide. The technology is compatible with current speaker and audio systems and could find its way into many commercial products in the not too distant future, says company co-founder Xavier Cauchy….. Prototype speaker membrane

Gold supraspheres for host-guest chemistry

Gold nanoparticle-based supraspheres, which are analogues of supramolecular cages and containers, can be used to perform classical host-guest chemistry, according to new experiments by researchers in Israel and Switzerland. Although real-world applications may be a way off, at the laboratory level these materials may be used as soluble systems for better understanding phenomena associated with […]

CMOS-compatible SiC qualifies for quantum technology

Exploiting the quirks of quantum mechanics in real-world technologies – such as quantum communication – requires material systems that enable the transfer and exchange of quantum entanglement between different systems. Now, calculations by researchers in the US indicate that defects in silicon carbide (SiC) – which is CMOS-compatible – may have winning attributes to fit […]

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