
Templates for abstract and full paper submissions:


Abstract submission information:

  • Abstract can be submitted for oral or poster presentation. Depending on the limited time slot, abstract submitted for oral presentation may be accepted for poster presentation.
  • Abstract must be submitted online via only (
  • (new) Oral abstract submission will be accepted until April 28, 2017. Poster abstract submission will be accepted until May 15, 2017. Oral abstract submission after April 28 will be considered as a poster abstract submission.
  • All oral and poster presenters must register and pay the registration fee before June 9, 2017. Otherwise their abstracts will be withdrawn.
  • All accepted abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be printed in an abstract book and will be published on ANSCSE21 website.
  • Name your abstract file as Lastname_Initial-Abstract.doc.


Full paper submission information:

Authors whose abstract are accepted for presentation at ANSCSE21 (both oral and poster) are eligible, and encouraged to submit a full detail of their work as a full paper (download full paper template here). Full paper submission will be further subjected to a peer reviewed process. The accepted full paper will be published in an ANSCSE e-proceedings. Selected papers with significant scientific impact will be referred to publish in a special issue of Journal of Science and Technology Ubon Ratchathani University.