Nanoneedle Research Team (NND)
Our research team aims to develop biological interfaces for mass and information transfers between the human body and the environment via minimally invasive micro/nanostructured devices. Unlike conventional interfaces, our technologies are capable of reciprocal communication with high accuracy and precision while avoiding stimulating pain receptors and damaging blood vessels. Our research has started from introducing new concepts to build platforms for mass production. Nanoneedles – micro-scale pointed rod-like structures with nanostructured surfaces – have been tailor-engineered and fabricated into various shapes, aspect ratios, interspacing lengths, patch areas, and compositions to create specific functionalities suitable for emerging applications. Such applications include drug delivery, biosensors, sensory devices, and brain-computer interfaces. By using intelligent data analysis, our systems can handle and control the response of such communications and transfers with ease.

Research projects
- P2150407, TOP 2.2: Development of a pilot-scale process for microneedle patch production, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Budget: 10,182,000 Baht, Duration: 3 years, 5 April 2021 – 4 April 2024.
- P2150143, NPR: Evaluation of optical microneedle for hair growth in Animal Model, PI: Dr.Yossawat Rayanasukha, Budget: 450,000 Baht, Duration: 1 year, 2 March 2021 – 1 March 2022.
- P2052616, NPR: Microfluidic system for separating spherical microparticles by using dielectrophoresis, PI: Mr.Thanakorn Jiemsakul, Budget: 300,000 Baht, Duration: 1 year, 13 January 2021 – 12 January 2022.
- P2052615, NPR: Development of sensor fusion for collecting durian data, PI: Dr.Supone Manakasettharn, Budget: 330,000 Baht, Duration: 1 year, 13 January 2021 – 12 January 2022.
- P2051340, License agreement for the right to use of research outcomes from the IP Preparation and synthesis of microneedles for the production and sale of products, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Budget: 100,000 Baht, Expected income: 1,750,000 Baht, Duration: 5 years, 20 July 2020 – 19 July 2025.
- P2051263, NPR: Technology transfer evaluation of negative pressure helmet assembly to communities, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Budget: 300,000 Baht, Duration: 3 months, 3 July 2020 – 2 October 2020.
- P2050888, Initiation of Frontier Research Ecosystem for Development of Nanorobot, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Budget: 2,400,000 Baht, Duration: 2 years, 1 November 2020 – 31 October 2022.
- P1951764, TOP2.3 Development of Transdermal Microneedle Sensor and Device for Health Monitoring, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Budget: 10,910,000 Baht, Duration: 3 years, 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2023.
- P1951763, TOP 2.2 Development of microneedle pad for transdermal delivery, PI: Dr.Kittipong Tantisantisom, Budget: 4,982,000 Baht, Duration: 2 years, 15 November 2019 – 15 November 2021.
- P1950421, NPR: Fabrication of Microneedle Pad for Skin Irritation Test, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Budget: 480,000 Baht, Duration: 7 months, 1 March 2019 – 30 September 2019.
- P1852351, Development of the oral cavity defects screening with automatic imaging system, PI: Dr.Kittipong Tantisantisom, Budget: 2,448,598.28 Bath, Expected income: 2,613,084.26 Baht, Duration: 1 year 6 months, 15 September 2018 – 14 March 2020.
- P1852189, Determination of kidney failure indicator using microneedle, PI: Dr.Thitikorn Boonkoom, Budget: 4,337,382.80 Baht, Expected income: 4,607,570.00 Baht, Duration: 2 years, 15 September 2018 – 14 September 2020.
- P1850255, NPR : A Fabrication of Microfluidic Droplet Generator, PI: Mr.Thanakorn Jiemsakul, Budget: 100,000 Baht, Duration: 6 months, 16 March 2018 – 15 September 2018.
- P1750113, Ammonia gas sensor, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Duration: 9 months, 1 November 2017 – 31 July 2018.
- P1551487, Integrated diagnostics platform technology for tropical infectious disease: sample preparation and PCR based on microfluidic devices, PI: Dr.Supone Manakasettharn, Budget: 680,000 Baht, Expected income: 680,000 Baht, Duration: 1 year, 1 September 2015 – 31 August 2016.
- P1550203, (H-Guard) Integrated diagnostics platform technology for tropical infectious disease: sample preparation and PCR based on microfluidic devices, PI: Dr.Supone Manakasettharn, Budget: 614,446 Baht, Expected income: 700,935 Baht, Duration: 1 year, 1 September 2014 – 31 August 2015.
- P1450359, Temptrack, PI: Dr.Paisan Khanchaitit, Budget: 500,000 Baht, Duration: 5 months, 10 April 2014 – 9 September 2014.
- Thongkham, C. Lertsatitthanakorn, M. Jitpukdee,b K. Jiramitmongkon, T. Boonkoom, K. Tantisantisom, K. Sinthiptharakoon, A. Klamchuen, M. Liangruksa, P. Khanchaitit, “Self-assembled three dimensional Bi2Te3 nanowire-PEDOT:PSS hybrid nanofilm network for ubiquitous thermoelectrics”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11 (6), 6624–6633, 2019.
- Thongkham, C. Lertsatitthanakorn, M. Jitpukdee, K. Jiramitmongkon, P. Khanchaitit and M. Liangruksa, “Conductive nanofilm/melamine foam hybrid thermoelectric as a thermal insulator generating electricity: theoretical analysis and development”, Journal of Materials Science, 54 (11), 8187–8201, 2019.
- Sattra Thongma, Kittipong Tantisantisomc, Nurak Grisdanurak, and Thitikorn Boonkoom, “UV enhanced White-light response based on p-Si/n-ZnO nanorod heterojunction photosensor” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 296, 324-330, 2019.
- Supone Manakasettharn, Akira Takahashi, Tohru Kawamoto, Keiko Noda, Yutaka Sugiyama, Tohru Nakamura*, “Differences in NH3 gas adsorption behaviors of metal-hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 270, 112-117, 2019.
- Chaiyanut Jirayupat, Winadda Wongwiriyapan, Panita Kasamechonchung, Tuksadon Wutikhun, Kittipong Tantisantisom, Yossawat Rayanasukha, Thanakorn Jiemsakul, Chookiat Tansarawiput, Monrudee Liangruksa, Paisan Khanchaitit, Mati Horprathum, Supanit Porntheeraphat, and Annop Klamchuen “Piezoelectric-Induced Triboelectric Hybrid Nanogenerators Based on the ZnO Nanowire Layer Decorated on the Au/polydimethylsiloxane–Al Structure for Enhanced Triboelectric Performance”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10 (7), 6433–6440, 2018.
- Supone Manakasettharn, Akira Takahashi, Tohru Kawamoto, Keiko Noda, Yutaka Sugiyama, Tohru Nakamura*, “Highly sensitive and exceptionally wide dynamic range detection of ammonia gas by indium hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles using FTIR spectroscopy”, Analytical Chemistry, 90, 4856-4862, 2018.
- Sattra Thongma, Thitikorn Boonkoom, Kittipong Tantisantisom, and Nurak Krisdanurak, “Influence of ZnO seed layer on the alignment of hydrothermal growth ZnO NR array and influence of surface area of metal contact on p-n junction diode behavior” Materialstoday proceedings, 5(7), 15203-15207, 2018.
- Thanakorn Jiemsakul, Supone Manakasettharn*, Sivakorn Kanharattanachai, Yongyuth Wanna, Sujint Wangsuya, Sirapat Pratontep, “Microfluidic magnetic switching valves based on aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles: Effects of aggregate length and nanoparticle sizes”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 422, 434-439, 2017.
- Thanakorn Jiemsakul, Kanpitcha Jiramitmongkon, Udom Asawapirom, and Chuleekorn Chotsuwan “Investigation of P3HT electrochromic polymer films prepared by ultrasonication of polymer solution” J. Mater. Sci. : Polymer, 14, 8485-8492, 2017.
- Chuleekorn Chotsuwan, Udom Asawapirom, YukihiroShimoi, Haruhisa Akiyama, Aroonsri Ngamaroonchote, Thanakorn Jiemsakul and Kanpitcha Jiramitmonkon “Investigation of the electrochromic properties of tri-block polyaniline-polythiophene-polyaniline under visible light” Synthetic Metal, 226,80-88, 2017.
- Wantana Koetniyom, Anusit Keawprajak, Kanpitcha Jiramitmonkon, and Udom Asawapirom “The Study of crystallization of polyfluorene and fullerene derivatives in semiconducting layer of organic solar cells” Key Engineering Materials, 751, 435-441, 2017.
- Pattaraluck Pattamang, Kanpitcha Jiramitmongkon, Phimwipha Piyakulawat, Udom Asawapirom, Kittipong Tantisantisom, Supanit Porntheeraphat, Jiti Nukeaw, Sirapat Pratontep “Photoresponse of composites of zinc oxide and poly(3-hexylthiophene) under selective UV and white-light illumination” Organic Electronic, 39, 105-112, 2016.
- Pussana Hirunsit, Monrudee Liangruksa, Paisan Khanchaitit, Electronic structures and quantum capacitance of monolayer and multilayer graphenes influenced by Al, B, N and P doping, and monovacancy: Theoretical study, Carbon, 108, 7-20, 2016.
- Sattra Thongma, Artitsupa Boontan, Thitikorn Boonkoom, and Kittipong Tantisantisom, “Electrical Studies of ZnO Nanowires and Metal Contacts” Advanced Materials Research, 113, 3-7, 2016.
- Boonkoom, K. Tantisantisom and J. Manyam*, “Study of structural properties of N-doped ZnO thin film prepared by reactive gas-timing RF magnetron sputtering”, Adv. Mat. Res., 1131, 8-11, 2016
- Tantisantisom*, K. Jiramitmongkorn, T. Jeimsakul, T. Chodjarusawad and U. Asawapirom, “Ultraviolet Sensor Based on Organic/Inorganic Heterojunction between PEDOT:PSS and ZnO Nanoparticles Thin Films”, Adv. Mat. Res., 1131, 157-162, 2016.
- Khemasiri, C. Chananonnawathorn, A. Klamchuen*, S. Jessadaluk, A Pankiew, S Vuttivong, P. Eiamchai, M. Horprathum, S. Pornthreeraphat, P. Kasamechonchung, K. Tantisantisom, T. Boonkoom, P. Songsiririthigul, H. Nakajima and J. Nukeaw, “Crucial role of reactive pulse-gas on a sputtered Zn3N2 thin film formation”, RSC Adv., 6, 94905-94910, 2016.
- Tantisantisom, K. Jiramitmongkon, and U. Asawapirom “Ultraviolet Response of Thin Film Sensors based on PEDOT:PSS/ZnO Nanoparticles Hybrid Materials”, Siam Physics Congress, 371, 2013.
- Anusit Keawprajak, Wantana Koetniyom, Phimwipha Piyakulawat, Kanpitcha Jiramitmongkon, Sirapat Pratontep, Udom Asawapirom “Effect of tetramethylene sulfone solvent additive on conductivity of PEDOT:PSS film and performance of polymer photovoltaic cells” Organic Electronic, 14, Issue 1, 402-410, 2013.
- Phimwipha Piyakulawat, Anusit Keawprajak, Kanpitcha Jiramitmongkon, Matthias Hanusch, Joerg Wlosnewski, Udom Asawapirom “Effect of thiophene donor units on the optical and photovoltaic behavior of fluorene-base copolymers” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, Issue 8, 2167-2172, 2011.
Partnership and Collaboration
- CT Asia Robotics Co., Ltd., Thailand
- Nara Factory Co., Ltd., Thailand
- Division of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
- National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan.
- Nanomaterials Research Institute (NMRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
- BioNano Health Guard Research Center (H-GUARD), Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Korea.
- Pariya Sornmek, Student intern (from College of Nanotechnology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang), 2020
- Tessa Charlton, Student intern (from University of Victoria, Canada), 2019.
- Teeramet Wilson, Student intern (from University of Victoria, Canada), 2019.
- Suchawit, Student intern (from University of Victoria, Canada), 2019.
- Panisa Chirathawornkhu, Student intern (from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Pathum Thani), 2019.
- Chanoknan Pirommai, Student intern (from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Nakhon Si Thammarati), 2019.
- Paradee Arunyapark, Student intern (from Benjamarachutit School, Songkhla), 2018.
- Tanabhorn, Student intern (from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Phitsanulok), 2018.
- Anchisa, Student intern (from Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration Secondary School), 2018.
- Jirachai Chansansophon, Student intern (from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Pathum Thani), 2018.
- Peeradon Dutsadeevettakul, Student intern (from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Pathum Thani), 2018.
- Piyawan Leepheng, Student intern (from College of Nanotechnology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang), 2015-2016.
- Pharawee Anuntalabhochai, Student intern (from College of Nanotechnology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang), 2015.
- Chayanan Kortchana, Student intern (from College of Nanotechnology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang), 2014
- Sivakorn Kanharattanachai, Student intern (from College of Nanotechnology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang), 2014